Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 34 - Grand Finale

SAY hello for the last time! And good bye forever =D BLOG!

Day 34 in Wuhan, 0 Day away from Singapore!

Woke up at 5am, with a lot others pretty much awake! I seriously doubt they had slept at all. All of them were like tired and eyes of panda! Well! Most of us are ready to leave for homeland at 630am!

Look at the TIDYING residues =x

One last peek into the rooms we lived for the past 33 days. Room that we have spent 204 hours sleeping, 134 hours slacking, 5 hours studying!

Hurry as we go, all were to weigh their luggage and bring them out to wait for bus. Bus came and we quickly load all the baggage into the rear corner of the bus. Of course, the guys will do the job =D ladies just stand aside and watch the muscle boys please! OH YA! THE LOCALS CAME TO BID US FAREWELL!!! HOW NICE!!! I WILL MISS YA! ZHEN NA~~~

Now, we are at Wuhan Airport. It is only 11am. The batch went ahead to unload and gathered in front of the ticketing and check-in counters.

In the airport, they do not have any of the water cooler seen in Singapore Changi Airport, but they have water dispenser, which provides COLD, WARM, HOT water! So much better in terms of needing something hot during cold atmosphere!

Then we got into plane and all the way we go to Singapore via Guangzhou. Singapore night sky never been so beautiful before!!!

We reached homeland at 11:10PM

Overall TRIP Reflection:

This trip is all it takes for me to understand the China culture thoroughly. The decision to go China is a decision that will never change regardless how many times being asked!

Before coming to Wuhan, China, I was looking forward for several things. I was looking for some meaningful lessons that will be craved on to the back of my head. The valuable lessons of the trip are China’s living lifestyle, their unique culture, the climatic weather, and improvement of personal well being. In fact, I believe I have achieved more than that.

Friendship is another valuable bonus from this trip. Knowing the local student helpers is definitely a bonus! Only with their presence that have made our life in
Wuhan a very memorable one. There is an extent in the way the treat friends, they are very truthful about friends, with no motive and scheming hiding beyond. Why would I mention that? Similar to Bangladeshi, their greetings are involved with light body contacts such as holding/shaking hands for more than a while. Another act that the local friends surprised me is that they are willing to buy a present at an extent of using up their monthly allowance! They are always there to help you, regardless how busy they are.

Other than the happenings, this trip also benefitted me on my personal well-being. I am more 懂事 and juggled work and fun well. As a matter of fact, Group A is handling all the work consistently and hence we hope that the outcome will be fantastic!

Group A Group A Discipline A!
Group A Group A Punctuality A!
Group A Group A Teamwork A!

To round it up, the trip is definitely going to bring another side of you out, well, normally good sides =x Thank Mr Chia for everything he have done to baby sit 21 of us =x Thanks Ms Hock for the shopping guidelines and PM lesson! Thanks everyone!