Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 19

Hello bloggie, do you know that weather forecast in Wuhan is not really accurate? Today suppose to be raining, but thank god, I went out for shopping anyway. It says it will be having a heavy rain in the noon, but looks like it is pretty cooling and slightly cloudy! Prefect weather for shopping!

Today’s shopping venue is 汉口步行街! There is a meaning to this street being named this way, which I will tell you soon!

As usual, the shops are all selling winter wear! Oh man! I can totally see myself as the odd one in the crowd! Nobody wear slipper and shorts! Even the weather is not really to the extent that jacket is required, from the street, I can easily see more than half wearing coat and winter clothes! Well, maybe I am just too hot =D

This shopping venue is simply for girls. It is almost nothing I can buy from the place. No T-shirt, no shorts, no cheap sportswear, in fact all their shirts are designed long-sleeve in contrast to the coming winter season. Nevertheless, I am left with the option to buy a expensive long sleeve collared shirt and windbreaker at the price of 400 Yuan at JeansWest (brand).


Dinner is held at the Ajisen Ramen. The taste was said to be very different even through it is cheaper than Singapore’s. After dinner, the group went divided, into 5 groups! I went off with Jamie and found a very special street!

Believe in makeover? Now, I believe in street makeover! In the day, it was like empty, dead and boring place. At night, it is HEAVEN! Although 80% is ladies stuff, but almost all the branded stuff can be bought here at the price of 50% reduction! Because of this street, I spend another 100 Yuan on my ray ban shades and leather belt. Jamie, as you should be expecting for a girl, spent another 200 Yuan on her stuff.

The street end can never be seen, as far as I try to see, it is just more stalls and more and more!!! Due to time constraint, we never did walked finished the stretch of road.

To add to our lateness back to hostel, the two 588 buses that went passed was overcrowded! There is no way to hail a cab and the crowd who are waiting for bus is growing! And finally at the third attempt to board the bus about 300m before the bus stop succeeded! This is the before and after crowd upon reaching the bus stop.

Oh nevertheless! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS ALTHEA!!! She Is my new friend in ISCT batch!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The satisfaction of finally buying something I like!!! Not forgetting to mention I have collected my Vans shoes which I have reserved. Total money spent is not below 500 Yuan!

Apart from the happiness from shopping, I am very impressed by the bargaining power of the shoppers. There is this time I overheard a bargaining, the customer was like slashing the price of the coat to about 50% of its offered price. Cool right? In fact, I did it too. I helped Jamie bargain for her boots to a price of 55 from the original price of 75. It is simply ridiculously fun! The owners definitely had a hard time trying to earn money by selling to people like us! Oh well, they made life of the local shops more interesting and colorful.

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