Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 25

9 days left…

Now the feeling is that the time here is not enough… there is so many places I want to visit!!! Stone Museum, Wuhan Zoo, Zhi Eng Tai, and so much more!
Nevertheless, today I try my best to make my day more interesting, other than study of course.

As usual, the morning is lesson, well; it is the practical test for PM. I know I do well, as confident as I always am!!! HAHA!

Well, the afternoon lesson was to complete the delayed blog entries for others and PM Final Report for me! About 5pm, I release myself from studies and went around the area.

So where did I decided to go? I went to my computer, go to the Google Search Engine and type in Wuhan attractions. Well, I decide to go for the top place of the list, which is First YangTze River Bridge!

Let me explain to you some of the interesting history of it:

It was built with Soviet aid in 1957 and is a two floor bridge. On the top floor, vehicles travel, and trains travel below. It was built near the place where the Han River merges with the Yangtze, and it was built between two hills where the river is narrower than it is in the rest of the city area. It is quite big and has a total length of about 1.5 kilometers (almost a mile), and the main portion over the water is about a kilometer across. The bridge has a four lane highway. There are 8 abutments and 9 arches in total. Every arch has a span of 128 meters (about 420 feet).

Well, the travel to the bridge was pretty long. It was a good 2 hours walk, also can be 5 mins taxi ride. Not forgetting to mention, from some angle from the school, tiny parts of the bridge stand can be seen! So near and yet so FAR~

To my surprise, I did not expect a floating coast guard office nearby the bridge. From my understanding from some documentary show, there is a coast guard station stationed at every 10km of the river if I am not wrong. What is the most amazing is that one of the officer (cause he came out of the office, so I assumed), in swim wear goes down the river and start swimming! Of course, I was told by Mr Chia that it is never a recommendation to do that as the water quality is unlikely safe for swimming. I was surprised all over again.

The happening is all at the 青山公园, with another sighting attraction which is the stroll walk in Forest Plank Road. It is rather a American walk. Quite similar experience I had at some San Francisco Pine Tree Park. And yeah, that’s the dog which has followed me for like 5 mins.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The visit turns out to be very memorable. The bridge itself is so grand and breathe taking! I seen couples walking around, makes me wonder if this is one of the couple’s heaven. The air is really clean. Did I mention about the entry? Some people walk in, some people cycled. Ever heard of driving into the park by the path way? Yes, there is the local practice! If only east coast allow that, the park will be over flooded with a lot of cars instead of people! Another day with new experiences!

Well, tomorrow will be going to Wu Dang Shan, I feel very excited!

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