Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 18


Weather: cloudy with 40% chance of drizzling
Temperature: between 17 to 25 degree Celsius

Morning is PM lesson!!! As usual! But it is like the fine system getting the class into shape! Nobody was late for last 3 days already and it is expected to continue counting! FINE FINE system, for I am not being fined at all =D

Oh! I saw a very cute puppy on the way to lesson!!! KAWAII! It is like the locals somehow prefer mini dogs as pets! Cause I have seen like countless HDB-approved puppies and about 4 large size dogs around the area so far.

Afternoon, I did some tidying and cleaning of my room. Look at my cables on wall! Nice and neat right? Used to have this problem with my feet tangled up with the cables while sleeping, and tonight onwards, the problem considered as solved!

Not forgetting to mention the highlight of the day, it is the national day of the people’s republic of China! PRC was founded on 1st October 1949, hence declared that Oct 1st as the National Day. Like Singapore, the day is a public holiday for the citizens to celebrate the National Day. On this day, there will be a variety of government-organized festivities, such as fireworks display, National Day concerts, and many more performances.

At night in our dormitory, we can see the fireworks that are set above the night sky of back alley! In fact, the sounds of the firecrackers and fireworks have been heard ever since 12pm!!

Dinner was settled by my own. This is the first time trying to cook instant noodles out of rice cooker. Attempt succeeded!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

It is cool to be within the National Day mood with the locals! Night streets are opened earlier and the happiness is in the air! It feels like celebrating our very own national day!

Nationalism is seen everywhere. Flags waved by people walking down the streets. It is very similar to Singaporeans showing their love to the country by hanging flags outside of their home.

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