Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 33

Hello blog. Today is my last active day to roam around the places in Wuhan.

Tomorrow’s flight back to Singapore via Guang Zhou will be departing at 1330 hrs, but all will be setting off to the Wuhan airport at 6 in the morning. Since it is the last day, I shall make the fullest use of it.

I woke up at 7am and I made sure everybody who is going out with me woke up as well! HAHA! Group A heads off to back alley, which is originally called as 部卢街 (not so bad that we found out before heading back), for breakfast.

The tasting of food that looks unhygienic on the very first few days had completely bring group A into an upset. Upsetting about how nice the food tasted and only learnt about it on the last day. Regrets and more regrets! Next batch should take note!

Had fried dumplings, man tou, fried egg omelet, and so much more!

Never really take photos along the way as time spend on buying things are mentally registered to be more important than getting photos for blog. *Guilty* Well, we went to Guang Gu for shopping till 7pm. The dinner was settled at the restaurant called as Teddies kitchen. It takes two words to describe it! Taste GREAT and cost CHEAP! Another unique point, unless one has to wave and call out to reach to waiter attention, they have this special buttons that will alert the waiter upon pressing, hence it is a great customer service provided.

After dinner, we try to hail a cab to 步行街; it is the first nightmare of the day. Lesson learnt is never hail a cab during peak hours. We were like trying to hail for one for an hour! ZZZ. Reached 步行街, nightmare lesson two, never shop during weekends, I can only see half of my body, the rest are being obstructed by other people’s body.

Nevertheless, we had a great harvest from shopping and were happy to get back to pack our stuff into luggages! I MISS SINGAPORE!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The fact is that the time spent here is really not enough to learn all their cultures, everyday seems to have something new to be discovered. I sure had a good time, but meaning to say is that even the bad times are lessons to be learnt about in Wuhan.

Last day, time really does flies when time is realized to be limited. I be looking forward to the trip back to Singapore!

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