Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 28

Oh man, today highlight is there is now highlight!!

Start with morning lesson, then project work, eat lunch, and continue with project work, and eat dinner, and continue project work!!!

The only happening in my memory about today is that the lesson today is rather special. We are asked to make a bridge out of 30 pieces of paper and a box of paper clips. The bridge is suspended in the mid air and has to able to withstand 2 books of about 1.5kg each.

My group started off with designing, and came out with this! We can withstand the weight of about 10 KG and standing strong! Our team work pays off!!!


Well, the way back I saw this dangerous cargo vehicle. The vehicle is actually carrying LPG and the dangerous symbol is in Chinese “爆” which means explosive!

The rest of the day is all full of work and food. The work is done in my room with my group. The food is ordered and delivered to my room and ate in my room too. HAHA. This is a rather dry topic.
Well well.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

Today is quite stressful. My group have to do a video draft which none of us is actually good at video making projects. We struggled and finally got our report and draft done. The last thing to do at the midnight period was to compile the information from the report into a presentation. Nevertheless, the lesson learnt today is never do last minute work! Regretted totally!

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