Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 21

Woah~~~ the weather is so climatic. Remembering the moment we landed at Wuhan Airport, it was like warm and humid. Now, the temperature is almost always around 24 degree Celsius. The girls definitely love this weather because they have brought tons of furry winter wear for dressing up.

The morning was quite unpleasant. Firstly, I did not have enough sleep in order to study for the upcoming morning quiz. Secondly, my early wake is for the sake of quiz!! Extremely exhausted is the conclusion!

Oh well, I believe did quite well for the test!

The afternoon lesson was again cancelled, or shall I say, replaced with tons of homework? We are to use this precious amount of time to blog, as well as to work on our PM report.

Many thanks to my group’s effort, the work are done just within 90 mins! In fact, we are able to cover more than what we are required to do! ^5 to A team! HAHA! Now I have more time of my own to explore the nearby area around the school!
Oh man, bad news. The back gate is locked for some security reasons… That means the walking duration changed from 2 mins to 6 mins!!! *HATES*
Jamie and me hopping around the empty street~

The local students once mentioned that the end of the back alley has a mini flea market, so we decided to visit it!

Indeed it is very small!!! The market is visibly countable, with about 8 stalls along the long stretch of street. The fruit stall is rather dirty and flies are flying all over the fruits! Tried to take a picture of it and got scold by the stall owner and he complained that this is violating 人权以及个人隐私. Of course, we were asked to delete the photos from camera. The irritating fact is that the uncle does not believe there is such a function call DEL in the camera! Nevertheless, since we cannot prove to him there is such a function, we walked off.

We walked pass a store which is having a promotion, any purchase which total up above 300 Yuan will receive a free bicycle! Look at the bicycle carefully, the bicycle is dismantled and packed in a way which it requires least space for storage! A logistics management practice is seen.

Meanwhile, we also saw wallet booth, it is like a shop with a lot wallet spread over a plastic canvas. They SELL ANNA SUI wallets!!! In Singapore, it will be about at least SG$60 whereas here it is only 30 Yuan! What a bargain!

Went around and saw this special sweet potato vendor. Why is it special? It is because the sweet potato is cooked in a portable self-made stove! The local said that it is to be a traditional cooking method.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

Most vendors are only able to make an average of 100 Yuan per day, which adds up to 3000 Yuan per month. In Singapore, anyone can easily earn that sum of money by doing part time. However, the vendor is said to have a proper job in the office hours and work as vendor till 2am for earning extra income.

I doubt any one of us can endure that hardship in order to get a better living. Singapore has provided her citizens with proper health care, jobs, and living standards, which she has owed nobody a living. Thank you, Singapore. See you soon in less than 2 weeks!

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