Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 29

The batch went to present their work to Mr Chia in the morning.

Next thing to worry about is the performance to be performed in the evening. Venue will be the building right next to our usual study block. Time will be 7pm.

From our MDE side, we will have a total of 7 performances with most of them to be doing with cultural understand and our Nationalism. Our seven performances, 5 of them are done by individual group and a girl’s dance and guy’s sing-a-long performance.

For the rest of the time we were busy practicing our performances.

6.30 pm, we met at the hostel gate and go to the venue. The step-in was quite horrifying; the classroom is packed with approximately more than 200 students, not including our students from NP. The table of ours is gifted with a lot snacks and a bottle of water to each! Interesting indeed!

As soon as we settle down, the show begins. Surprising, the China students have also prepared several performance for us!

The mass girls dance is dancing the Wonder Girls Nobody Dance.

The guys will be singing about the ancestor’s story with the song 吃得起苦, and dedication to local friends by the song 关怀方式. The songs are mostly originated from Singapore, as we try to promote the Singapore artists as well.

The show ended. Everybody go back to their own home.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The cultural performance is definitely giving me a good impression of the talent the university has. There was an comedy Act by the students about the life of the University students of China. It was about how to impress a female classmate’s heart. It was hilarious and informative about the methods to impress a lady in China. HAHA. But it will never work in Singapore! Well, nobody can charm a woman by singing a love song in Singapore!

Another was a girl doing piano and singing. She was unable to sing and play piano well at the same time, but regardless of the BOOS and even more BOOS from the back rows, she played on. Finally she finished and being appraised. She taught me that regardless of what other people thinks, one must stay strong along his path in order to live up to his dreams.

I must say, I will look forward to perform for them again if they were to come Singapore in the future.

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