Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 20

20 days passed, about 2 more weeks to go. I miss Singapore like crazy. Especially my mum’s laksa, nasi lemak, mee goreng, and sweet red bull… Did I forget to mention the red bull sold in China is Vitamin Drink?! Totally unlike Singapore, where Red Bull will give you wings, in other words, provide energy via sugar!

Breakfast is settled at the back alley. The batch bought soy milk, bread and I bought egg tart. As we made our way there, we saw this old man begging for money is a very different style… Also, we saw two bicycles trying to bring their balloons elsewhere via riding on roads.

We saw the ancient traditional snack, the famous 冰糖糊芦! I have only seen it on the Chinese Kong-Fu drama, which means this is my first time seeing a store selling one! It is a candy which is made of 90% sugar! Super fattening and decided not to try!

Today’s schedule is to go to the 中山公园’s 中山游乐园. Bus 549 will take us from the school’s gate to the front of the garden. On the way to the amusement park, we met some interesting encounter. Two girls are trying to sell off their roses by pulling shirts and chasing at boys. At other time, we saw one of the girl place the rose into the bag of a guy’s girlfriend and attempt to collect money from the guy. They are so aggressive!

In the middle of the park is the statue of孙中山 with his wife.

Here are the performances and rides we took! Although I have no idea about the rides’ names in English, I have to say this is definitely so much better than Escape Theme Park!

The HANHUI’s most recommended ride will be THIS (The ride in the photo above)! It spins over 720 degree! Especially the extreme corner seat, you can simply feel your body being thrown at all directions. Nobody can be not awaked and refreshed after that ride!

Went to nearby restaurant to settle dinner and went back hostel…

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

There is always a stereo-type view towards the China’s theme park. We will tend to think that the theme park is a very badly upkeep and hence very dangerous. Most probably due to the countless pieces of news of death due to theme park rides.
Before the visit, I was worried and quite decided not to risk my life with any right. My purpose of the visit is actually to take photos as so I can blog about it.

But after the visit, my prospective totally changed. Other than the toilet cleanliness, there are little things I could complain about. Rides are rather popular that at one time I have to queue for about an hour for a simple right. The dangerous and trilling ones are not more than 10 mins of queuing time! The locals prefer to watch youngsters playing the crazy rides than ride it! HAHA!

Amazing and fruitful day!!!

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