Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 26

Today’s highlight will be the Wu Dan Shan. It is located at the northwest of
Time to meet and get up the tour bus is 6am! Very tiring! The ride is about 5 hours.

On the way going to the *Shan*, we saw several very interesting notices. The picture below show one of them. In order to highlight the level of damage can be done because of speeding; they showcase the burnt car due to speeding car accident! I think this is really creative and influential!

Finally! We reach the Wu Dan Shan and had our lunch at the restaurant located at the entrance of the attraction, the bottom of the mountain. The lunch consists of 10 dishes and 1 soup!

Right after the lunch, tickets to entry were given and the tour of Day 1 STARTED! Surprise, surprise! Before the bus ride, we have to go through a finger print registration system which will recognize our fingerprint and will be used for records and re-entry for the next 3 days.

And the bus ride starts!

First stop is at 太子坡, where there is a temple, study lobby, tea house, meditation room, library, etc, which is all provided for the sake of 太子 (prince). Along the stretch of path into the place, you can smell fragrance of the herbs planted around the place.

Next stop! Purple Cloud Temple, which is located on 佔气峰, is built in 1413. The walk to the temple is about 20 mins, whereby one will pass by the Dragon and Tiger Hall. We were taught that the hitch by the door/gate is not supposed to be stepped on, which is a form of disrespect towards to owner of the place, in other words, disrespect to goddess. The hitch is designed to make sure that people who come into the place will have to bend down and cross the hitch (bowing towards to place while coming into).

At the Purple Cloud Temple, we also visited the Purple Sky Hall, the East Hall, the West halls, the tower of bell and drum, the parent hall, and the prince cliff. During the travel inside the temple, one will be able to see many stone tablets which are used to credit the donors in the means of their appreciated hard work, financial assistance, etc to build up or maintain the temple.

Finally towards our last stop of the day! The 南岩宫, is known as the place where emperor Zhen Wu found Taoism and flew to heaven. Almost all of hall-pillars, beams, arches, gates structures are made of rock.

At the start point, we saw sedans which are mean for carry passenger toward the golden hall. Oh My God, look at the price! It was not long after I realize the start point is actually in the middle of nanyan temple and golden hall.

While others are climbing downwards, Mr Chia and I challenge the opposite! We found the south gate which is said to be the gateway to heaven. Also, we visited a cave that is believed to be the lightning god cave. Brought Jamie to the place afterwards and on the way up, we bought some 平安符 which is to be thrown or hang or tied to the trees there.

So this is the tree we selected!

After a whole day of travel, we finally reach the hotel!!! YES!!! Look at the facilities!!! LOVE IT! This is the first hotel ever seen in my life to provide computer and internet!

Okay! I am tired! Good night all~

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

Today is very long day! Nevertheless, I have learnt so much about history of Wu Dang Shan. The mountain Is not only famous of the kung fu they have, but also for the Taoism! I am a Buddhist and I realized that Taoism and Buddhism have a lot in common. In fact, of all of the temple I visited, we believed in almost similar goddess, for example 老天爷.

Let’s see what can we find tomorrow!

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