Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 24

Pleasant DAY!!!

I had PM lesson in the morning about Leadership. An interesting lesson taught by least PowerPoint slides and through the short movies about Queen Elizabeth and Battlestar Galactica. The Class was asked to do a short review-like report which integrates with the learning point learnt.

Afternoon was about the interaction with the local students. But since I am a vegetarian, I have pretty little things to do there =x so I went out to do some adventure myself. I had my lunch at the roadside stall, which sells stove-cooked bread and sweet potato!

Went pass this bread shop which one of my local friend recommended, well I did not expect to find it myself!

While walking along the path, I saw some road obstacles. A tree kept in the middle of the road? Is this an act of tree preservation? Hmm… Nobody knows! Another is a concrete trap with lots of cables lying inside! Woah! One must really look out for these random traps while walking. I believe this is the meaning of 马路如虎口 comes about!!

Well, I continued my walk and passed by this adult’s games area. This is about the area around 建五, do not really think this is legal? Nevertheless, the joyfulness is in the air, the locals are happy shouting and singing while they are playing with the games. The tables can easily stretch to a good 50m! All under the flyover!

Then I passed three blind elderly. They are offering fortune telling services. The fortune tellers have a variety of services! They can tell about your life by the choices of the customer, either palm reading or just giving name and birthday.

Finally, I stopped by a new arcade called as Video Game Center.
Went back and meet up with the rest! They were like telling me that the BBQ here was like vegetarian BBQ!!! What a MISS OUT!!!!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The locals enjoy a simple life. They were happy for the things they had, and I believe that they only ask for a peaceful and happy life for their family. Why did I mention? I seen kids playing with bubbles, not electrical games console. I had seen smiles over the faces of elderly just because of the sight of their grandsons. Youngsters, of course behave ambitious, are the only batch I cannot really understand, HAHA…

Nevertheless, I am always be looking forward for another day in Wuhan.

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