Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32

Counting down to the last two days in Wuhan, before we go back to our homeland on Sunday, we want to have this farewell dinner with the new friends we have made here.

The batch woke up at 11pm. It was like the first *sleep late late* day since we have arrived. Well, I am the only early bird to wake up two hours before to update my blog.

Almost all of us sent our laundry to the washing auntie at 小鹿洗衣店. The clothes can only be collected on the next day. The auntie was very nice to do extra work (night shift) to handle our laundries.

The rest of the day was spent in bunk doing video-making project. It was only until afternoon that we went off for the farewell dinner prepared from our side. The dinner is held at GOLDEN HANS, which is actually a buffet restaurant. Although the main focus of the dinner is the farewell bidding with the locals, but I am going to talk about the varieties of food first!

In China, having Chinese cuisine served is not really startling anyone, but the fact that almost all the delicacies from all over the world is gathering at this particular restaurant. I am not only saying about simply sushi from Japan, French fries from America, XO Chicken from China, but Italian’s salad, Singapore’s curry, California’s pizza, and many more! All these delicacies are to be made and serve on the spot to the customers.

Okay, back to the main point! I am seated with Jamie, Eudora, Xing Xing, Maqqie, and Nicholas. XingXing and Maqqie are the new friends we made and was really glad to learn about their habits. The restaurant’s utensils are of western style (fork and spoon, not really chopsticks unless requested). Two of them were like using the utensils awkwardly, they were simply too used to chopsticks I guess =x. PS: Look at the numbers of plates we have for 6 people!

After the meal, the people are all scattered around to take photos, and I am only going to attach few of the nice ones =)

After the meal, we went home separately.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The days we spent together were short, but the friendship shall last! See you guys in Singapore on this day, next year.
The farewell dinner was a terrific idea! Not only it brought the understanding of each other culture and the new friendship to another level, all of us had a great time together!

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