Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 34 - Grand Finale

SAY hello for the last time! And good bye forever =D BLOG!

Day 34 in Wuhan, 0 Day away from Singapore!

Woke up at 5am, with a lot others pretty much awake! I seriously doubt they had slept at all. All of them were like tired and eyes of panda! Well! Most of us are ready to leave for homeland at 630am!

Look at the TIDYING residues =x

One last peek into the rooms we lived for the past 33 days. Room that we have spent 204 hours sleeping, 134 hours slacking, 5 hours studying!

Hurry as we go, all were to weigh their luggage and bring them out to wait for bus. Bus came and we quickly load all the baggage into the rear corner of the bus. Of course, the guys will do the job =D ladies just stand aside and watch the muscle boys please! OH YA! THE LOCALS CAME TO BID US FAREWELL!!! HOW NICE!!! I WILL MISS YA! ZHEN NA~~~

Now, we are at Wuhan Airport. It is only 11am. The batch went ahead to unload and gathered in front of the ticketing and check-in counters.

In the airport, they do not have any of the water cooler seen in Singapore Changi Airport, but they have water dispenser, which provides COLD, WARM, HOT water! So much better in terms of needing something hot during cold atmosphere!

Then we got into plane and all the way we go to Singapore via Guangzhou. Singapore night sky never been so beautiful before!!!

We reached homeland at 11:10PM

Overall TRIP Reflection:

This trip is all it takes for me to understand the China culture thoroughly. The decision to go China is a decision that will never change regardless how many times being asked!

Before coming to Wuhan, China, I was looking forward for several things. I was looking for some meaningful lessons that will be craved on to the back of my head. The valuable lessons of the trip are China’s living lifestyle, their unique culture, the climatic weather, and improvement of personal well being. In fact, I believe I have achieved more than that.

Friendship is another valuable bonus from this trip. Knowing the local student helpers is definitely a bonus! Only with their presence that have made our life in
Wuhan a very memorable one. There is an extent in the way the treat friends, they are very truthful about friends, with no motive and scheming hiding beyond. Why would I mention that? Similar to Bangladeshi, their greetings are involved with light body contacts such as holding/shaking hands for more than a while. Another act that the local friends surprised me is that they are willing to buy a present at an extent of using up their monthly allowance! They are always there to help you, regardless how busy they are.

Other than the happenings, this trip also benefitted me on my personal well-being. I am more 懂事 and juggled work and fun well. As a matter of fact, Group A is handling all the work consistently and hence we hope that the outcome will be fantastic!

Group A Group A Discipline A!
Group A Group A Punctuality A!
Group A Group A Teamwork A!

To round it up, the trip is definitely going to bring another side of you out, well, normally good sides =x Thank Mr Chia for everything he have done to baby sit 21 of us =x Thanks Ms Hock for the shopping guidelines and PM lesson! Thanks everyone!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 33

Hello blog. Today is my last active day to roam around the places in Wuhan.

Tomorrow’s flight back to Singapore via Guang Zhou will be departing at 1330 hrs, but all will be setting off to the Wuhan airport at 6 in the morning. Since it is the last day, I shall make the fullest use of it.

I woke up at 7am and I made sure everybody who is going out with me woke up as well! HAHA! Group A heads off to back alley, which is originally called as 部卢街 (not so bad that we found out before heading back), for breakfast.

The tasting of food that looks unhygienic on the very first few days had completely bring group A into an upset. Upsetting about how nice the food tasted and only learnt about it on the last day. Regrets and more regrets! Next batch should take note!

Had fried dumplings, man tou, fried egg omelet, and so much more!

Never really take photos along the way as time spend on buying things are mentally registered to be more important than getting photos for blog. *Guilty* Well, we went to Guang Gu for shopping till 7pm. The dinner was settled at the restaurant called as Teddies kitchen. It takes two words to describe it! Taste GREAT and cost CHEAP! Another unique point, unless one has to wave and call out to reach to waiter attention, they have this special buttons that will alert the waiter upon pressing, hence it is a great customer service provided.

After dinner, we try to hail a cab to 步行街; it is the first nightmare of the day. Lesson learnt is never hail a cab during peak hours. We were like trying to hail for one for an hour! ZZZ. Reached 步行街, nightmare lesson two, never shop during weekends, I can only see half of my body, the rest are being obstructed by other people’s body.

Nevertheless, we had a great harvest from shopping and were happy to get back to pack our stuff into luggages! I MISS SINGAPORE!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The fact is that the time spent here is really not enough to learn all their cultures, everyday seems to have something new to be discovered. I sure had a good time, but meaning to say is that even the bad times are lessons to be learnt about in Wuhan.

Last day, time really does flies when time is realized to be limited. I be looking forward to the trip back to Singapore!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32

Counting down to the last two days in Wuhan, before we go back to our homeland on Sunday, we want to have this farewell dinner with the new friends we have made here.

The batch woke up at 11pm. It was like the first *sleep late late* day since we have arrived. Well, I am the only early bird to wake up two hours before to update my blog.

Almost all of us sent our laundry to the washing auntie at 小鹿洗衣店. The clothes can only be collected on the next day. The auntie was very nice to do extra work (night shift) to handle our laundries.

The rest of the day was spent in bunk doing video-making project. It was only until afternoon that we went off for the farewell dinner prepared from our side. The dinner is held at GOLDEN HANS, which is actually a buffet restaurant. Although the main focus of the dinner is the farewell bidding with the locals, but I am going to talk about the varieties of food first!

In China, having Chinese cuisine served is not really startling anyone, but the fact that almost all the delicacies from all over the world is gathering at this particular restaurant. I am not only saying about simply sushi from Japan, French fries from America, XO Chicken from China, but Italian’s salad, Singapore’s curry, California’s pizza, and many more! All these delicacies are to be made and serve on the spot to the customers.

Okay, back to the main point! I am seated with Jamie, Eudora, Xing Xing, Maqqie, and Nicholas. XingXing and Maqqie are the new friends we made and was really glad to learn about their habits. The restaurant’s utensils are of western style (fork and spoon, not really chopsticks unless requested). Two of them were like using the utensils awkwardly, they were simply too used to chopsticks I guess =x. PS: Look at the numbers of plates we have for 6 people!

After the meal, the people are all scattered around to take photos, and I am only going to attach few of the nice ones =)

After the meal, we went home separately.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The days we spent together were short, but the friendship shall last! See you guys in Singapore on this day, next year.
The farewell dinner was a terrific idea! Not only it brought the understanding of each other culture and the new friendship to another level, all of us had a great time together!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 31

Once again! Along the road side of 建二 we visited less than 12 hours ago, we were on our way to 发源地.

Today, we woke up in the early morning just to accompany friends going to the salon. Reason being is that we, the serviced customers, were like singing praises about the salon! So they were like very interested in the hair makeover, and were eager to go to the place.

And HERE we are again, at the 建二 shopping street. We had our breakfast at the Macdonald, which surprised us that they actually stopped their breakfast meals at 10am, unless Singapore, which usually stops serving at 11am. Nevertheless, we grab the remaining hash browns and our breakfast is settled.

Went on to the salon and the people who are not doing their hair accompanied the people being serviced for around 5 hours.

Finally it is all done! Jamie and I went on to the 群光广场, also known as 光谷. This place is basically just another Singapore’s Bugis street, with a lot of mini stalls selling clothes, accessories and shoes.

As for dinner, we decided to try out the pizza hut here. The varieties are much lesser than Singapore’s, but honestly, the taste really does vary with the prices of it. Of course, the total bill for a regular size pizza and a spaghetti is about SGD$13, very cheap indeed! I never really post up the photos as we were stopped by the waitress, and she later pointed at the *NO CAMERA* signboard.

Not forgetting to mention, we saw something uniquely from Singapore! So proud of it!

As soon as the happy time flies, we were back to our hostel, happily counting at the things we bought~

HAPPY day!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

Slowly that I learnt, the reasons that why Singaporeans developed a bad image of the China nationals.

First reason: When queuing in the supermarket, if the cashier is China national, they have this habit of waiting on one another friend to take over their place. They have this habit of chatting with one another before starting their work. In China, this behavior is considering that they are very close to one another and is a chatty and friendly impression.

Second reason: The China nationals express their happiness in a different way. When they are chatting with their friend happily, they will tend to increase their tone while talking into cell phone. Not really appreciated by Singaporeans though.
Nevertheless, the differences in culture must be understood before making judgments. So much more to be learnt.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 30


Having it to be the first day of FREE and EASY period in Wuhan, one must never forget to try out the famous hair salon throughout China, 发源地 (Source). It is said that just in Wuhan, they have more than 600 outlets. Stylists have to be either trained by professionals overseas, or have accumulated experiences of many years to be able to earn a spot in the salon. Nevertheless, I can see more disciples around the place compare to the number of stylists.

Upon hearing the feedback from Yuhaw, Houng Sheng and Loy, who have visited the place earlier on, Yu Chuan, Joanna, Jamie, and many many more students make their way there. On the way, we saw fruits selling by the lorry. I guess that the fruits are indeed FRESHLY delivered!

And we make our way into the salon, and choose the services. Mine was to dye the hair into reddish brown with the brown color as base! =D


Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The place at 建二 is definitely much more to look into. Just looking at the appearance, it looks like it is just another torn down building with minimum maintenance. What does this complete my lesson?
Lesson of the day: Do not judge by the appearance!
I am so looking forward to tomorrow’s shopping!