Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 17

WOooooo~ today is the eve of CHINA National Day.

Weather: Fine and cooling
Temperature: 27 degree Celsius

Had lesson in morning and afternoon, both are PM!

Around the evening, we went to the vegetarian restaurant in addition to response to the restaurant owner invitation. The owner, preferred to be called as 阿正, wants to be the host of the night by inviting all his customers and friends to come together and enjoy the hot steam boat. As usual, the host greeted and seated us upon reaching the place.

We were caught surprised that he had close for business in order to reserve the place for the guests. I believe it is their custom to treat all foreigners with the highest possible level of courtesy.

As you can see, the host taught jamie how to make her very own spring rolls.

So, why did I say they are treating us very good? The friends of his are behaving like him =X They believes having body contact is an interaction between friends. Whereas in Singapore, we probably will felt offended or threatened due to invasion of privacy.

Nevertheless, we have accepted their custom and enjoyed the dinner with them. Moreover, I have learnt from them, it is only during festival period that the local stores will bring out the fireworks products for sales. Unlike Malaysia, the purchasing of fireworks are not at the random fruit stores. But the products can be found around the street’s road side stall (路边摊).

Also, it is truth that the usage of spoon or scoop placed on the table means there is a distance between the fellow diners; it is used only during formal occasion like company annual dining.

The local’s impression about Singapore is that she is a FINE city. Impression of FINE city as in smoking fines, littering fines, traffic fines, and other many more penalties…

Nevertheless, they are looking forward to visit Singapore causing our class mates are been doing the food and snacking history about Singapore! We surprised them by that Singaporeans cannot live without supper, as they do not practice supper as often for health reasons!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

I felt so honored to be invited for dinner! Local’s 热情 and 亲切感 touched us. We will want to give him a present before we return to Singapore. I believe that Singaporean should look forward to learn from the courtesy of customer service, in such a way that treats your customers as friends, rather than just a trade. Definitely, it will be beneficial to Singapore’s economy!

Well, I will pass on the story of my trip in Wuhan, and let as many people know about Wuhan’s people’s friendliness.

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