Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 10

Hello, blog. It’s never been enjoyable to see you every end of the day! Blogging is totally not a guy’s thing after all! HAHA! Nevertheless, I hope I am performing well enough to keep your attention stick to mine! Today’s weather is similar to yesterday, the only difference is that the raining had stopped and it is almost clear sky =) It’s a working-on-project day!!! What does that refers? IT MEANS NO LESSON FOR THE DAY! Sounds good? But don’t really feel good. =X The work must be done today is the constructing of Statement of Work (SOW) and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which I have done yesterday with my group A. =D In short, it’s a holiday for HARDWORKING PEOPLE~ Oops!!!

Began my day at 9am, I was unsure should be getting out of bed or not to. Well, twist and roll for another 10 mins and finally got up. Washed up, still very surprised because the early birds are still in bed!!! One of them is Yu Haw! HAHA! Carried on with movies and tuned into 9.87fm. It is Singapore’s radio channel, for your information. Watched halfway and got myself into working mood. I wanted to improve my SOW and EBS, so I went online to research for relevant information, guidelines, and examples. Did not really help much!!! Sigh!!!

The rest of the day went pass like fireworks parade, very relax, happy but short-term! Oh well, I got myself a table and went on to clean it and wrap it! I got myself a study table! *hops and waves*

Not forgetting to mention, groups are suppose to present their work at around 3pm! Then it will be free and easy right after that! Oh man. I felt sick right at this moment. Giddiness, sleepy and weak all comes at the same time. Cannot help it, I went to nap right after presenting the work. End up with a cough and slight headache after the nap. Do worry Mr. Loh~! I felt a lot better now while doing blog. ^^

Went out to 销品茂 (directly translated from English obviously) for the Wal-Mart at basement, which they call it (-1F). But before that, I went over to the level 4 for Jamie’s soft toy. Almost all the shops allows bargain =X so the price of it changed from 75 to 50!!! HAHAHA it is so easy!!! Brought my shorts at Wal-Mart and went back to hostel! The way back was by cab. It was an interesting experience I must say! F1 racer should be made up of the local cab drivers! They can swerve left and right anytime on their own will! Exciting and dangerous! Will keep in mind not to take cab in order to live longer!

Back at hostel, we rested a while and went outside for setting off the wishing lantern, 许愿灯. The lantern costs about 5 Yuan each! Cheap or what!
Everyone gathered around, wrote their wishes on the lanterns, and set it off~

Went back to sleep after that. I am beaten by tiredness!

Well, not forgetting to mention, I heard from the radio channel several news!!!

First news! YOG organizers apologize for printing error to all the participants’ certificates. Costing 330 millions of loss if I am not wrong!! Second news is that Singapore had terrible downpour and caused another flooding scene at low areas!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

I got a little sick today. The climate finally made an impact to me. *sighs* The weather is so 千变万化 over here. I believe more than half of the batch got sick before. Home is still the best, clinics is just around the corner, food are well-prepared by parents, and my smelly pillow!!! I miss home.


  1. actually, isn;t it called "Kong Ming Deng"?

    he "wishing lantern" is called "孔明灯"

    Read this article of how this lantern come about in the history:

    It is indeed an innovative invention. 诸葛亮 is so intelligent!

  2. There is actually several names to it. Depending on the manufacturer i think?

    There's 许愿灯,造明灯,孔明灯,等等.

    Yup, I am a fan of the three kingdom! So cool right? Developing new strategy from time to time.
