Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 12

Day two for the win!!!Woke up and went for breakfast at 7am! The ship crew prepared very light taste breakfast for us. Why did I say it is light? Cos its bun, bread and porridge for breakfast!!! Oh my~ it’s simply tasteless. Thanks for the side dishes that accompanying with it.

The first stop of the cruise is at the second gorge, where we will alight the boat and take on little ferries into the third gorge, where the source of water is from.
As you can see from the pictures, there are many layers that build up the mountains. As confirmed by the ferryman, this place used to be active volcanoes. The layers are resulted from many volcano’s eruptions!

Amazing Happenings:
While I am walking along the sidewall of the mountain path, I saw several visitors hit against the mountain’s wall to achieve little stone pieces! They picked them up and throw into the stream of water. Oh man, they really shouldn’t do that… (oops, did I mention I took one of the leftover stones? Haha =P)

The ferryman! Had some chances to chat with him! I have learnt that he earns only about 600 Yuan a month, and he had to feed a family of three! His working hours are from 8am to 8pm! Oh man! We, the Singaporeans, are really fortunate!
The ferry ride is about two hours. Went back to the cruise and had my lunch! It is my first time to taste of their very local potato leaves!!! It is SUPER delicious!!! Love it!

We rested and rested until about 5pm and the ship has reached 诗城博物馆. We have to pass through several ships’ lower deck in order to reach to the extended dock. Below is one of the shoots I happen to pass-by, a kitchen, not intending to comment!

As soon as we get to the dock, we are given tickets to the main attraction of the place! It is call 白帝城, where 刘备 had once conquered and accommodated about centuries ago!

The most exciting part of the visit is the imitation of the artifacts that used to be there! The doors have very high humps, this is to make sure the visitors into the 府 (house) will bend down and bow when they are to enter the house!

Moreover, the main hall is actually positioned on top of the hill that takes 420 steps to get there! Very interesting experience!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

These visits highlighted the rich historic heritage that China has successfully preserved. I am growing more and more interested about the story behind the China! If there is a chance, I would really want to visit sites like 赤壁,万里长城, and get to know more of their values. Nevertheless, I am much honored that being a Singaporean, we also have a story behind us, the story that says how Singapore grow into such a powerful multi-racial harmony country!


  1. Yes, indeed, some people in China are still earning very little money. RMB600 = S$120 per month = $4 per day to feed a family of THREE?!!!

  2. ya lo ya lo. i think its quite rough for him too =( i cant even survive with 4 per day
