Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 15

Hello again, blog~ today’s main event is the visit to WISCO STEEL MANUFACTURING Co. (武钢产区).

Weather: Wet
Temperature: 25 degree Celsius
Meeting time: 8am

The batch of ISCM, LGMT, and ISCT students meet up at the study block to collect helmets. The similar event happened again~ rushed to wait, waited to rush; collection of helmet takes 20 mins.

And so! Why are we collecting our helmets? It is because we are visiting the WISCO, Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp., which was found in 1958 in Qingshan, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Moreover, it was said to be China’s first supergiant iron and steel complex. The company is producing more than 10 million tons of iron and steel every year!

The batch of ISCM, LGMT, and ISCT students meet up at the study block to collect helmets. The similar event happened again~ rushed to wait, waited to rush; collection of helmet takes 20 mins.

And so! Why are we collecting our helmets? It is because we are visiting the WISCO, Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp., which was found in 1958 in Qingshan, Wuhan, Hubei, China. Moreover, it was said to be China’s first supergiant iron and steel complex. The company is producing more than 10 million tons of iron and steel every year!

The batch are being brought to the passage way where the whole process are being seen LIVE. From the very start, hot steel which is just made out of the furnace is easily lesser than 15 meters away from us. As the red glowing steel was cooled by water and being compressed to longer and thinner shape as it moved to the packing by the rollers. Here’s a footage video I have taken down.

Once reached the rolling machine, the steel piece has already turned into long steel sheet that is to be rolled up for as packed steel. Right after being packed and strapped, it will be going through the quality inspection and labeling of serial number by the QA department. The steel process from the start to the final inspection takes about lesser than five minutes.

The reason behind the end product to be in a wheel shape, I think, is easier for handling. Wheel-shaped product center of gravity will be easier to be determined compared with full-piece shaped.

End products that are not up to the expected quality will be either removal of the part where it’s dented/out of shape, or be reused as raw material.
The lunch was ordered from the vegetarian restaurant, 依雅轩, about 13 people shared a table as you can see =x

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The plant only requires the least number of labours for checking and movement of steel rolls. Most of the process are being processed and handled by the machines. In this way, not only the safety of human lives is kept at the lowest level, the efficiency of the manufacturing are to the highest level too.

It is an good exposure towards manufacturing industries, giving us the experience and have a rough idea on the industry we will want to work on in future. Nevertheless, the visit is also giving me the thought of 饮水思源. Steel are not just easily brought from a construction warehouse, but to be processed of many times until it reaches the procurement stage. Many thanks to the technology breakthrough by the inventors, lives of human are made easier.

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