Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 8

Good morning!!! Raise and shine!!!

Today’s a big big day!!!


Start my day with on usual routine~ Wake up brush teeth and pack bag for lesson @ 9.
Today’s class room is at #07-04, OIE lesson for the win! Was surprised that we had two IS teacher instead of one. Oh well, she did not introduce herself much, maybe it’s because she only going to teach us for 3 lesson? By all means, she taught about the geographical, local food, local tourist attraction (which we will be going, sooner or later), etc. Oh man, the way she teach and the English she spoke, I must say it’s very well done. She’s not only good in teaching, she have very good general knowledge as well. Had some of my personal doubts clarified with the teacher! 匈奴 province no longer existed, but replaced.

Lesson ended at 11am, went straight to bunk without waiting for the batch. Going to clear my stomach, must be the act of my yesterday’s supper, KimChi cup noodles.

Here’s the recipe that my bunk invented :X doubt its safe?
1) Boil the egg for 5 mins
2) Open the cup noodles while egg is being processed
3) Crack the egg into the cup noodles with all seasoning poured in
4) Boil the cup noodles for another 5 mins!


KimChi Egg Noodles!! Oops… back to lunch…

Yuhaw, Houng Sheng and me ordered delivery from the usual vegan restaurant @ 1110 AM. Ordered 茄汁带鱼,日本豆腐煲和铁扳牛肉,再加上六盒白饭!Damage is forty Yuan! The deliveryman is actually the waiter of the restaurant; the waiter gave us another free sweet tomato steamed fish. Locals are very generous indeed! He even invited us to go to his restaurant for mid-autumn celebration, after learning we are from 福建洲, it’s suppose to be a lie by the way. I believe he thought we are his 同乡, as in we are all from the same province. However, his delivery time must always formulated by N+30 mins. He never fails to be late.

Went for project management lesson @ 1330. Today main practice is AON, don’t ask me what is that, I have yet really finish digesting this new piece of information yet. Lesson ended at 1545, however, those are keen on buying clothes via 淘包, China’s version of e-bay, will shall behind for online-shopping practical :x HAHA

At 1650, I am supposingly be jogging with Jamie, Joanna, Mr. Chia, and Edward only, the rest followed! Name the rest: Brenda, Sheila, Dyana, Loy, YuChuan, Nick, ZhenZhao, JiaLi, and a lot more! Ran towards the Yellow river and did a U-turn at the abandoned swimming pool gate. On the way back, saw Brenda suffering from stomachache with Loy accompanying. Went jogging around the area and found a seafood restaurant that is willing to lend toilet for use. Brought her there and she seems pretty okay after toilet break~ Not forgetting to mention Group A standby for any problems and face it together! Regardless 大便小便 HAHA! Nick and Eliza were with us as well. Went to meet up with Mr. Chia and walked to hostel together!
Started as united one, ended as one united!

Went jogging again, this time alone, as the shagginess is not felt! =x After the jog, I went straight to Happy Lemon Rest. to have dinner with batch~

Back to hostel~ the weather have took an unexpected turn, strong cold wind breezing the corridor! COLD~~~!

I have tried taking several shots of the trees but… looks like taking photos are impossible at night time…

Its dust, my god… not even feel like snow =(
That’s all for the day~ Good night to my stalkers~

Personal Reflections/Feelings:

The bond of the class grew, from the fact that everyone was caring for each other when another is in difficulties. Like the army life, only true friends are to be revealing when one is in difficulties. Good friendship is not just about accompanying, someone to talk to, but it is someone who knows and understand oneself. 所谓吋金难买寸观音,知己难逢一人生!
Came out on my own HAHAHA!!! Nights!


  1. Actually, you guys don't need to lie that u r from South China. You are students there, and batches after batches of OIP students, the shops owners somehow already know that there will be group of students coming from Singapore in Mar and Sep every year. They are not con-man.

    However, need to stay vigilant for strangers and people on the road or inside the buses.

  2. HAHA we told him the truth on the next day after the post. So ya, guess it is nothing to worried about after all. In fact, you are right, most of the local shop can easily guess that we are from Singapore. I guess I should not be so defensive over here.
