Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 6

The internet connection is getting better to good to normal to WORSE! its only the sixth day! SIGH! Frustrated! Took me half an hour to connect to blogger. *Irritates*

Woke up as usual. Met the batch at 715 am outside dormitory.

Today's excursion route will be
DORM >> 东湖 >> 武汉博物馆 >> 饭馆 >> 黄鹤楼 >> 步行街 >> DORM
Time to be taken : 6pm minus 730am = 10hr 30 mins
Temperature today : 37 degree celsius
Tour Guide : Ms TaoYu

Bus ride~

The first stop is 东湖. From far, it looks like as if Singapore's Macritchie reservoir!! China's lake got duck, our reservoir got monkeys =X

The second group photo overall

Oh yeah! My group went to this boat rental shop, offer the rower 5 yuan for photo taking. However he reject the money and insisted us taking photos with the boat. Mr. Generous boat owner let us board his boat photograph for free~ *thumbs up for good customer service =D*

Fresh air because it is still morning, the place is clear and wind is cool~ But not staying for more than an hour, we had to move on to proceed to the 湖北博物馆 which is about 3-5 mins of bus ride.

OMG!! Its huge, the architechs are costing the government millions yuans to design and build up.

The tomb's coffin
Tour guide gave each one of us a listening kits. The kits will enable visitors to have a clearer introduction regardless of the visitor location, far or near towards the tour guide.

It is said that most of the artifacts are retrieved from the same tomb. Mostly are of CHU dynasty. As explained by the tour guide, the tomb is usually consist of four critical rooms, the hall that links to three additional room. The hall contains the musical instruments. The room on the left is for the emperor's concubines's coffins. The centre room are for the weapons. Lastly, room on the right are for the emperor's coffin, accompanied with his favourite officials and musician.

Not forgetting to mention that the people going with the coffin are to be buried alive to serve the emperor even in underworld.

Around in the noon, we left museum for lunch. LOOK! The many many dishes at the price of 200 yuan!

Next after lunch is to the 黄鹤楼。


The following photo is the view from the sixth level, the highest possible level that visitors can go up to.

The photo taken below the tower.

Last checkpoint before going back to hostel is to the place we went yesterday, which was quite unexpected that we are being brought to here again the next day. 步行街 here we are again!!!

We are only given an hour to shop which is obviously not enough!!!

In order to save time, we took golf cart chartering service to shorten the travel distance from the meet up point to the main shopping district. Nevertheless, its really not enough time!

Never get to find what I was looking for and went back hostel with lots of unwillingness!

DINNER DELIVERY BY 依雅轩 (the vegetarian restuarant)

The is my 素肉末豆腐盖饭!

Ate and then washed all my clothes and sleep. I am really tired I SWEAR!!

Personal Reflections/Feelings:

Like China, I believe every Singaporean should protect our distinct culture that is made up of many races. Our heritage can define our values as a Singaporean as well. Nevertheless, the Chinese really did a good job protecting what their ancestors have left them with. I am impressed.


  1. omg! 37 deg celsius!!!

    At first, I was thinking how come the group photo got so many people?! On 2nd thought, it must be the LSCT students who have made the group so big.

    Wow! You guys can really JUMP! The jump shot very nicely taken!

    Dont worry, you have more time to shop in the coming weeks. Don't buy first, compare the prices before buying.

    So, what do Singapore have to protect?

  2. In comparison, you may like to read my blog on East Lake (the climate was quite different, because it was in March).

  3. hahahah of course we can jump well! cause our mentor is looking, we have to jump higher, else u can see us =x

    i found the place to buy all the expensive and branded stuff at the cheapest price. read my latest entry for more information =D

    Woah! oh man, i wana visit that dong hu!!! I think we miss out quite alot of things there. We did not see the things u pictured =(
