Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14

Yawns!!! Yesterday is such a tiring day! Today we will be having lessons throughout the day. It’s a wet day. The first lesson is about OIE, Ms Grace taught. It is a lesson about China philosophy and religion.

Here are a few things she taught:
Confucianism, it represents the way of life followed by the Chinese people for well over 2,000 years. The influence of Confucianism is so predominant that if anyone should be asked to characterize in one word traditional Chinese life and culture, that word would be “Confucian.” Secondly, Ms Grace also went through with the story of Kong Zi, who is the found of Confucianism.

The Confucianism focused in six main criteria: Humanity, Rite (propriety), Rectification of Names, Doctrine of the Mean, Heaven and the Spirits, and Government by Virtue.
Not only Kong Zi, but also studied about Meng Zi, Xun Zi, Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, Han Fei, etc. Ms Grace taught us through power point presentation and cartoons method =D Very interesting.

Afternoon lesson is about PM practical, which is quite worrying, as there is too much to catch up every time the lesson end.

Today is also Zhen Zhao birthday celebration; the class planned a surprise for him! We had act as if we did not care and remember his birthday for the whole day. All the people are gathered at the restaurant nearby the shopping centre and waited patiently for the birthday boy to come (He is led blindly by his group after their project discussion). As soon as he arrives, the cake is lighted up and the birthday song begins! Fantastic dinner went on after the blowing of candles! Hope he enjoyed his 19th birthday celebration!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

It’s another day of culture understanding. Regardless of how many times I have repeated, the Chinese culture is so 博大精深! Their culture is so interesting!

Not forgetting to mention, today’s is ZhenZhao birthday, it is always a good thing to be able to celebrate a classmate’s birthday together as a class. It represents the unity of the class! It is his second birthday spent with us and this time, it is happening in CHINA! HAHA! Hope he enjoyed!


  1. I am in Kathmandu now, still able to access internet! But speed is sloooowwww!

    Anyway, nice to see the leaves falling and turning golden colour. I always like autumn, becaue the colour is so beautiful.

  2. Hurry come back! HAHA my entries need your comments to be better!

    Update us about your stay there alright? The group is eager to know your whereabouts!
