Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 5



Oh well its a saturday first of all~ Human traffic for the place we going are expected to be high volume, carried a bag that contains zero valuables :D Firstly, it will act as a decoy for potential thiefs (of cause we are smarter!) Secondly, it is my shopping bag! (not forgeting to mention, their plastic bags are chargable! 20 cents for each! So much to save the earth :( )

Woke up and lay on bed for 30 mins. Until 15 mins before meeting time, I finally stood up and wash up! Today's a special day~ Zhen Zhao coordinated with the local student helpers to give us a guide tour to the 江汉路, which is so-called bugis street!

Set off at 1030am, took a bus right at the bus stop in front of the campus gate. Bus 588 will bring us across river and another 30 mins to the place. (Damage of transport:$1.60)

Well oh well, what does bugis street comes to your mind? HAHA! Cheapest deals in town? Not here. Best food? Not sure if its here. ITS the number of clothes shops here!!!!!!! Theres even kids doing stunts, captured a video of a kid doing 倒立功.

Enjoyed his performance and of cause we did tipped him (we did not ask for performance FYI). Went straight into shopping mall and the first time to do is to fulfill my stomach. The guys splited up with the shopping fanatics (girls of cause, they skipped meal to shop) and had dumplings at the 大娘水饺.

Shopped around and brought around by the local student. I am totally confused by all the fancy clothes and high human traffic! Lose track of time spent on shopping.

Brought a addidas jacket @ 350, couple shirt with Jamie @ $99, Vans shoes @ $100 and a slim fit shorts @ $85. Accumulated damage for the day : $700 and above

Meet up with the everyone and went for the boat ride. Since we crossed river earlier on, the boat will be bringing us back closer to our beds! Exhausting walk to the port!

Oh wait! We visited to some sight-seeing places nearby the port.

Took scenary photos with my darling group mates and friends there.

On the way, we saw this air gun shop (shoot balloons 10 shots for 3 bucks, no prize...) I took the SAW-look-alike air gun and start doing my usual routine, 10 shots 10 kills! HAHA! Show the army boy power!

Reach the port! Took the Boat! First floor of the ship is for motorcycle parking, second for passengers. Boat ride takes 20 mins.

Dinner at some food street~ Had potato tornado, goreng pisang, and fried ice cream. Not a pleasant experience... Not going to mention too much =x

Back to bed and rest @ 11pm. Damage of the day: About $800

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

Not a bad day, however, the little kid that perform for us is kind of pitiful. Not only one, but several kids are performing tricks to earn money. The kid shown in the video above was there from 12pm till 6pm. Not likely to be accompany by guardians... Life is hard... Singapore really did provide Singaporeans a good living... I have absolute confidence that Singapore can assist me in my future!


  1. In certain aspects, China is more advanced than Singapore, one of which is "saving the earth" by not providing plastic bags to us.

    Hey, did u buy an imitation of ADIDAS jacket? If not, don't change the branding name of ADIDAS leh.

    The good thing about the kid is he is earning a living using his own effort, rather than stealing. We should respect all these people! Donating only RMB 1 to them also help them, dont ever think your RMB 1 means nothing.

  2. Wow I never thought of that before. Usually I don't give to beggers, but I guess I never really considered the alternative. Anyway if he performs for money like that is considered as busking right?

  3. i got that wrong! =( sry adidas =x

    hope my 1 dollar made a difference for him =D
