Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 7

It’s a brand new day, everything will be better!!! Lack of sleep, irritating internet connection, not-so-good food, etc etc etc!!!

As usual~ Woke up and wash up and go to class and listen to lesson and lunch =/
Lesson was very dry, I mean, history is never my cup of tea!! However, I can only recall the some part of lessons...

The teacher is teaching about the politics, economy issues. Only caught the glimpse of pollution, other information being taught did not register in my brain, my bad!

One of my unproductive days!

After the lunch, all were to gather at first floor of 教四 @ 1245. Today's main programme is to visit the new WUST campus. Board the bus at around 1300.

Bus trip takes about 75 mins!!! my goddd!

Reached!!! like FINALLY!

This is their atrium

Teachers got their very own condo!!! Reasons being is that their actual home will require several hours for travelling.
Greets and welcomes are exchanged between the representatives of WUST and NP

AHHHH !!! HELL! No notice about this AT ALL! We are to visit the specimen room!!! ZZZ
This kind of room is very rare, especially for Singapore, in fact I don't think we have any real specimen room that have a collection of 90% human specimens!

These are the specimens that bring me out of the room.

Must be a Caucasian pe..s

Oh! DID I mention SGH came here like 3 months before us?!

After that we went to a classroom. Caught us off guard again!!! We never expect that they prepared a series of introduction and interaction programmes for our arrival!

We went into the classroom as if Manchester United came to visit! Lots of applauses from our fellow China friends! They introduced themselves and carried on with the introduction of their university history. They also sang english songs, one of them is My Love by Westlife! In return of their performance, we introduced our campus and sang 情非得以 ^_^

The singing performance by us is kind of caught by surprise too!
Then we went on to their library for more in-depth history information!

Our guide/speaker is actually one of their students here! She spoke fantastic, fluent English!

The history section in the library has this model of old WUST new WUST and there is out 学八 hostel!! After visiting library, we went on to their main canteen (three floor high!).

It was late when we finally reach the campus. The bus dropped us in front of the main gate, which means we have to walk because our hostel is right at the back of campus. But walking in the dark and enjoying the breeze of Wuhan night air wasn't a bad experience ;)
Rest a while and the big plans going to be in act soon! Zhen Zhao planned the birthday surpise for Dyana!!! So everyone was like suppose to gather at the corridor while Dyana is done bathing.
Gathering at corridor!!!
Mr Chia holding on to the birthday cake!!!

Its suppose to be a fruit cake =/ I wonder why there's tomato and cucumber-alike kiwi inside the cake!!! Not a good experience to finish it =x

*waves good night to birthday girl, Dyana*

Went back bunk to sleep and blog later on...

Personal Reflections/Feelings:

The local students here are very friendly! I would really want to be friends of long term. However, the distance limited the interactions. I will never forget you guys, especially 精崩! My usual impression of China nationals is that they are stupid, arrogant, etc. I am so wrong. I have to stop doing these stereo-type thinkings, it is not bringing harmony anyway.


  1. Once again, refrain from using words like "stupid".

    If you like to keep in touch with the china students, sign up a QQ account, and you can chat with them online (just like MSN).

  2. Many are reading your blogs, so please stay POSITIVE on your comments. Don't be so NEGATIVE. Every encounter you have is a learning experience. We cannot demand other countries to be the same like Singapore, that's why you are there to get immerse in a foreign culture, a diversified one. Accepting the differences is part of our learning process.

  3. Roger that!

    Had amended my comment and sorry about it.

    The experience here is valuable and will be putting it into good use in future. thanks for the comment! =D
