Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4

Second day of study; fourth day in Wuhan

So boring!!! Hate the fact that we have to wake up at 8am to prepare for lesson. I woke up by my amazing korean DJ room mate, Yu Haw. Not that bad, looks like my room do not need a alarm clock, instead we got a free korean rooster =D HAH!

Set off to classroom at 850am. Not to be late, we ran all the way! And oh my god! Its kind of hard to breathe, the air not as good as Singapore. We had our first Overseas Immersion Experience (OIE) class with Ms Zhang, who is married. Ms Zhang taught us the culture and history of China, she even taught us about the labour and economy of China. Now, I truthly know why its so attractive to foreign investment, as government gives a year of tax-free and incentives to investors.

OIE lesson ended at 1150am, went to the campus main canteen for lunch! Something for my empty stomach finally!! Order fried tomato egg dao xiao mian with a drink at the price of 6 yuan!! So cheap! If only Mr Loh WT is here is us! HAHAHAHA. Looks like he only can see cannot eat!! AHAHA!

After lunch, we went back to class for PM. Released at 430pm.

The local student helpers invited us to play badminton at the court just right in front of 学九 (their hostel). Only Zhen Zhao, Michelle, Eudora, Eliza, Mr Chia and me turned up. Oh man... they are really good at these, althrough its their free-time time-killing sports -_-ll

Went to jog outside with Mr Chia along the 长江 for about 6 km. To be honest, I doubt anybody will believe the speed he is running at his age. I COULD NOT CATCH UP!!!! SIGH!

Back to hostel, wash up! And went to Happy Lemon restaurant for dinner! Again, if only Mr Loh was here, the food is simply WOAH!!!

Not forgetting to mention, thanks Mr Chia and Ms Hock for treating the fantastic dinner!

Went back to room around 10pm and POOF! Dreamland in sight.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

When compared their living lifestyle, I felt we Singaporean are so fortunate, to be able to live at a cleaner and better environment. Nobody owes Singapore a living. From that, I miss Singapore's laksa already! Moreover, i am proud of Singapore rich heritage and our way of living. Nevertheless, I always keep in mind Singapore is my only homeland!


  1. Dont worry about me, I have tasted all the food there myself. There is a dessert shop at the back street, quite nice, previous OIP students like that. You may like to try it.

    Mr Chia is a very very good runner!

    And Yes, Yu Haw has a good living habit, he wakes up early in the morning. I remembered that he was one of the early birds during my YEP trip.

  2. HAHA, heard that you are coming over very soon right? i guess i need not ta pow any food for u lol.

    Mr Chia is more than a good runner, but a chat mate as well, through out the jog, he was like chatting with me all the way.

    Yuhaw is early bird, but i am the cleaning man =x i believe the cleanliness is uphold by me for my bunk LOL. (this is top secret)
