Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 11

Oh man, hey blog! It’s been a while not working on you! Well, I have been on three gorges cruise trip. Only started blogging on the returning bus journey about what’s happening during the trip!
Have to slowly recall~

The first day of trip, which is also the 11th day of OIP, is not really much of interesting. In the morning, the ISCM and LMGT was very busy trying to pack their bags. Sometimes I wonder, why can such a simple list of items become so complicated after several discussions between peeps? HAHA We are suppose to bring towel, toiletries, 2 set of clothes, jacket or windbreaker, maybe some snacks, and a little bit more to the trip. Well, in the end, my roommates and me is one of the few who brought laptop, etc. Quite unnecessary, right?

Had lunch at school canteen and quickly went to the lobby of dormitory for meeting up before boarding the bus. Very tiring bus trip indeed, we started off from the school at 1300 and stopped by this particular seafood restaurant for dinner!

Dinner was pleasant, compared to the various restaurant I have visited, it is consider very hygienic (not including the toilet, it’s like not being washed for several days!!!). My dinner ended at 1720.

After dinner, we are to travel to the port where we will board the cruise by bus, it is said to take 10 mins. As usual, upon arrival to port, there is like three old ladies trying to sell us the binoculars at the price of 15 Yuan while we are walking our way to dock. Out of mischief, I bargained! I said to the sellers, “五元五元,不卖就不买!”. To my surprise, one of the ladies accepted my offer. So my group checked out the functionality of it, cannot exceed our HIGH expectation, we left without buying~

Reached the cruise and had been given our room and its’ keys. ROOM NUMBER: 4115. The room Is VERY NICE. OH! Did I forget to mention? My room is shared with Yu Haw :D OUCH! Unpacking the things only to realize the slippers are not packed!

As soon as we unpacked our bag pack, YH and I went straight to the top deck of the cruise to enjoy the night scenery and the cold breeze~ As being told, we reached the ship lock within two hours of travel. It works in such a way that when two side of the lock are of different sea level, the lock is used to bring up/down the sea level of the ship. Lock usually keeps the sea level of both sides for the interest of preventing floods. Simple to say, it is using the same system of Panama Canal.

However, the first lock took about two hours. Again, the ship sailed for about 1 or 2 hours and met the second gate. This gate is located at 宜昌, which is right beside the 三峡大坝. The gate consists of 5 locks, with each lock requiring 30-45 mins of water leveling. Of course, the gate was quite busy at the time, the batch waited as the ship finally queued for the usage of gate. In fact we waited for two ships to down level and have to share the usage with another cruise of higher standards. The two cruises glued on to each other and Nick was able to touch the railing of the other.

The first lock itself took us 3 hours, including queuing. We gave up witnessing, went back to individual room and sleep. P.s. we are too tired to bath!

Personal Reflections/Feelings:

Excitement is in the air! This is my second time in my life to ride the cruise. Furthermore, the cruise has facilities for enjoyment! Second floor has a mahjong room and front ship deck, fourth floor with a KTV lounge and rear ship deck, and top deck with beautiful sight seeing space for the overall surroundings! I have spent adequate time with my group mates and class. Really enjoyed the time and will mark a memorable milestone of my poly life!