Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16

Good evening bloggie~~

Event of the day: Coca Cola Manufacturing Plant (Wuhan) visit
Temperature: 26 degree Celsius
Event Duration: Whole Morning!

Rise and shine, woke up very early for today’s visit to COCA-COLA (HUBEI) BEVERAGES LIMITED.

Background information:
Coca-cola beverage has been one of the world’s most popular beverages, promoting satisfaction and joy to its consumers, and coca-cola company is one of the most respected companies in the world. The drink is originated from a candy store owned by Joseph A. Biedenharn in 1886. At that time, Joseph was only selling an average of nine bottles per day; compared to the daily sales of today is about 1.5 billion bottles per day! Slowly, coca-cola has become one of the world’s most recognized trademarks.

Now, coca-cola company produces more than 600 kinds of products. The four most popular sellers are Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta and Diet Coke. In China, coca-cola has successful build up an image as such that the drink represents prosperity and happiness; hence became a household domestic enjoyment. That was the objective the company had hoped to achieve when they started investing in China market with 1.6 billion dollars, setting up plants all over the provinces. And now, the company has succeeded in setting up 25 manufacturing plants in China, with one of them in Wuhan.

The staff actually showed the video of the Wuhan province company's history.

After learning the history of the company, we are being quizzed! Out of the three, I answered correctly regarding the top four products of the company, and I won myself a handbag =X

Later, the batch is being brought to a passage way above the manufacturing areas. It is something like an overhead path that has the overlooking views of all part of the manufacturing plant. Firstly, the empty plastic bottles are being produced and arranged into the filling machine. Then the filled bottles will be capped. Final stage was the packaging of the bottles into huge cartons and stacked neatly into warehouse which is done manually.

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The entrepreneur of bring this drink into a multi-million business is very admirable. Moreover, the manufacturing area are very well organized, as the most machinery areas are blocked off the access of unskilled, packaging workers. I suppose this is a measure of the product quality and human safety. Moreover, the trip has benefited me with knowledge of the drink’s come about and it’s amazing history! I LOVE COKE~!

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