Monday, September 13, 2010

Pre-Trip ^_^

Towel, checked

Toothbrush, checked

DISPOSABLE underwear!!!, CHECKED!!

Well, I guess I am ready to proceed to WUHAN! Today is my last day in Singapore before going to China, Wuhan for my very first Overseas Immersion Programme (OIP). The process of packing took up 3 days of preparation, obviously without the help of my parents. Not only doing with the clothes, i have to get a new luggage (I do not own a proper travel luggage during that period), and mark out to-do-and-to-get taskes/items.

Nevertheless, my greatest difficult is that my friend who is suppose to be provide me with equipments for my cultural performance was uncontactable. For this, I must highlight that neighbours are indeed helpful, he helped by providing the equipments at the day before departure date!!! SPECIAL THANKS TO SHAAH!

Next after packing is have my dinner with my beloved family.
Totally cannot wait for the departure day to come! So much fun and new overseas experiences are ahead to be enjoyed!!!

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