Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 3

The 3rd day we started our lessons. I drag myself reluctantly out of bed, sigh, its 8:30am alrdy... LEFT 30 mins to prepare myself for the first lecture which is like miles away!!!!

Tried to grab some bread on the way there from the *mama shop* operated by a chinese!! Its pretty stupid that I thought that date printed on the wrapping plastic for bread as expired date. Its actually the manufacturing date!!! End up wasting the bread (threw it before I know).

The classroom is located at 教四 #06-04.

Had a bad night sleep! Struggled to force a smile for our camera girl in front!!!

Today's lesson are all Project Management Introduction.

Mention Project Egypt's Pyrimal, cool!

The morning class ends at about 1200. Went to canteen to have lunch, but looks like their lunch time is around 1100 - 1200. Almost half of the food stall are closed by the time we reached, around 1215. Nevertheless, I had my 刀削面(汤), which is a very tradditional food that can be found around China only. *thumbs up!!!* 不像一般刀削面,它入口即化!

*Not forgetting to mention, their chilli oil must be free, cause the attendent simply just pour over my dish like its free.

Unlike in Singapore, after having the meal, one must return the plates/bowls to the specific tables at the canteen. Also, they do not provide fork!!! Eating rice from a plate is really difficult.

After lunch, we went back hostel and rest for about 30 mins and went for the 1400 Project Management (PM) class at the exact same class venue.

Then... FINALLY!!! lesson ended!!!

The rest of the day spent with group mates to ensure their blog is alive!!!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

The time spent with classmates are more, which let me gain an indepth understanding towards one another living lifestyle. My room mates is Houng Sheng and Yu Haw. Oh well, I kind of understand that other than girlfriend not to be neglected, friends are equally important! Shall enjoy the rest of 4 weeks!!!

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