Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 9

Hello blog, how are you? I am not doing well. The day before the highest temperature is about 38 degree Celsius, and yesterday’s was around 28 degree Celsius. Today’s temperature is 18 degree Celsius… My god, it just needs a minor rain to bring down the temperature. The rain drops are so different from Singapore’s. I Miss Singapore =( I wore shorts to classroom, mocked cause it is like nobody else wearing shorts, all jeans?! Who ruled that cold times no shorts!!! Sigh!

Look at the aftermath of the night!!! Wind is so strong, the bikes are blown off balance!

Had project management lesson in the morning, learnt about the constructing of Gantt chart, as well as creating a work resource. The practical lesson is more interesting as it has more hands on activity compared to plain and standard lecture! And everyone is wearing like penguins =/

Had our lunch at the vegan restaurant, ordered four dishes! Namely 麻辣豆腐,豆角烧茄子,宫保肉丁和鱼香肉丝! Total cost was about 40 Yuan for the win~ Oh yes! Not forgetting to mention, on the way there… there was this dead baby rat lying in the middle of the path… Sigh… Poor little creature…

Back to classroom, continued with the project management lesson. Oh my god! Ms. Hock is obviously teaching at a very fast pace! She’s teaching new graph plotting method everyday!!! Sigh. I was here to enjoy and have a break off with things I usually do! Sob! End up studying everywhere I go! Even 10000 miles away from home!

Ends at 4pm, it is drizzling heavily outside, is it right to call it drizzling or raining? The raindrops are too fine as such that I have to stand under the rain for like 5 mins to get really wet? Nevertheless, the batch went back to bunk and rest. Almost everyone went out for dinner at around 7 and came back around 8 for mid-autumn festival celebration =D The celebration is held at the corridor or girl’s dormitory, with two tables lined up and with lots of cups of Lipton tea and mini moon cakes!

The host of the celebration is YuChuan, Edward and Yixian! Before starting the consumption, we played a game which requires two rows with message/actions passed down to the last man. Well, guys gave chances to girls obviously~ We lost.
Proceeding to the moon cakes and tea~ Enjoyed totally~ it’s like every day is packed with lots of events!

After the celebration, my group A had our very first meeting about the upcoming projects. Well, it’s quite surprising that each of them have their very unique skills. JiaLi was really good with English, Brenda is full of ideas too, and Loy is supportive and suggestive listener! JiaLi was good at leading the group into focusing our project, as most of us are quite easily distracted by surroundings. Thanks to the group’s effort, we completed what we are required to within a day!

Personal Reflection/Feelings:

在家靠亲人,在外靠朋友!Although it is quite a holdback for this trip as not being able to be with my family at the mid-autumn festival, it is definitely a new experience to be able to spend the day with the batch! Not forgetting to mention! We are so fortunate, seriously, I just learnt from the local students that they do not eat egg often as it is a kind of luxury food towards them. And Singaporeans are eating almost every day without any thoughts. Again, nobody owes Singapore a living!
HAPPY 中秋节!!! SINGAPORE! (and Mr. Loh) HAHA!


  1. haha, didn't we tell u that u r there to study 2 modules? LOL. It is good to study those modules now, so that u have more free time when your other classmates are studying it during term time.

    Where is this vegan restaurant? What is the chinese name for that restaurant? I may want to try. Price seemed reasonable.

    Temperature rises and drops drastically in Wuhan. I remembered I was wearing jeans and t-shirts last year on a bright sunny day, and then the temperature drops drastically in the evening. When I left office, it was very cold, so cold that I cannot talk properly, I need to run back to my apartment to keep my body warm.

    When the rain is heavy, it is called storm or downpour. When it is light, it is drizzle. So I guess yours is Raining.

    You guys are so gentlemen to give chance to the ladies. LOL!

    Glad that you all enjoy the mid autumn festival, but it is a pity that it is raining, otherwise u can see the full moon while celebrating. There was a terrible downpour in Singapore yesterday, the road between Block 50 and Block 46 was flooded. I cannot walk back to office, and need to detour using NPCC, Block 56 and Block 32. What a big detour!!!

  2. HAHA thats right. By putting ourselves ahead of the schedule means less stress in future! 先苦后甜!

    The restaurant is right at the end of back allet. The delivery number is 15926461480. The restaurant name is 依雅轩 (yi ya xuan). You should really try when you are here.

    Hope you have enjoyed your festival in Singapore too!
